Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award:I AM Curly Locks

I would like to thank Lioness Rebirth and Productjunkiemama for awarding me the Versatile Blogger award.  It is my first award ever as a blogger and I am really excited.  I guess that my post on hair, motherhood, grief, and Detroit are reaching someone out there.

There are rules attached to this award so here they are,
  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post. 
  • Tell us seven things about yourself 
  • Award fifteen recently discovered new bloggers 
  • Contact these bloggers and let them know they’ve received their award  
So here my seven
  1. August 13, 2011 is my  blogaversary, and I can't wait. It is almost a year already, and I have come a long way from my ranting.  
  2. My first two post School of Sleepless Nights and Braggin' Rights came at a time when I was struggling in motherhood.  Since then I learned that motherhood is a learning process and not all days are filled with giggles and smiles, some are filled with tears and tantrums, but you can and will overcome.  
  3. I am an expectant mother of one.
  4. My  husband has and still is a huge encouragement to me, when it comes to blogging.  When I am having a bad day, struggling with grief, or find out about the latest happenings, he is always telling me to blog about it.  
  5. God is truly at the center of everything that I put on my blog, I started because I am a woman on the road to the rediscovery of me with guidence of Christ. 
  6. I love my hair.  It truly is a learning process, that extends far beyond my natural roots.
  7. I blog because I have to.
Now that I've said my spill, it's time to pass it on.  The Versitile Blogger Award goes to....
  1. Musing of a (Recovering) Strong Black Woman
  2. Beauty and the Green
  3. Meechy Monroe
  4. Far Above Rubies
  5. The Happening of An Absent Mind
  6. The Amateur Mommy
  7. From the Mudroom
  8. A Holy Experience
  9. Sonia's Blog
  10. Fire Butterfly Jewels
  11. Mama Locs 
  12. Mommy's Corner
  13. Quintessential Housewife
  14. The Girl from the Ghetto
  15. The Dare Diva
To all of my award winners please pass the award along.

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks


  1. Thanks, Najeema for the honor. I plan to follow the rules. For now, congratulations to you, versatile blogger.

  2. Congrats, and thank you for thinking of me. I'm honored. xox

    Shalom, my sister.

  3. Thanks for the award! And congrats on your pregnancy!
