Lately I have kind of had bloggers block, I guess that's what you can call it. I get inspired but the execution is terrible. I currently have 11 unfinished drafts on blogger, countless unfinished poems in my notebook, and so much that is unwritten to say going through my mind. I think that I have lost some of my juice as a blogger. I believe that once again I am getting so caught up in increasing my amount of followers, having the most enlightening tweets, and leaving my mark on the blogosphere that I have lost focus. I know "I blog because I have to," but frankly sometimes I get so discouraged looking at the slow pace in which my blog is taking off.
I know I have the ability to write, but I am constantly comparing myself to others which is a downfall. Being apart of community networks is good, but as a blogger I/we must realize that they do not define me, you, us. I love God, family, my hair, motherhood, and the city that I was groomed in. That is what I choose to blog about. On my journey of rediscovery and recovery, each one of those things are apart of me. I'm not just a Christian blogger, although that is at the center of most, if not all of my post. I can't just be a mommy blogger, although motherhood becomes me. I can't just be a natural hair diva, I'm still going though the learning process. I don't just do reviews, or pump my fist cause "I'm black and I'm proud." I am a variety blogger, some weeks it's hair, the next my city, but I have to put it all out there cause' its me.
Maybe one day I will have a separate blog for each part of me, but for now...I have this one blog, which contains my thoughts, connections, views, reviews, and events that surround my life. If I blog for nothing else I blog for me....because I have to....
Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks
I think we've all been there as bloggers. Keep at it, you're doing a great job!