Monday, April 11, 2011

I blog

It's been about nine months since I started blogging. So often I get so obsessed with whats going on in the blogging community, that I forget the reason that I started to blog in the first place.

I blog because I have to,
There's a woman seeking God's purpose for her life;
A stay at home mom who gets bored, overwhelmed, feels overworked and tired, and wants to throw in the towel;
A budding naturalista, recovering perm addict, and big chop victim who is trying to figure out her hair chemistry, uncovering her hair-story;
A woman rediscovering who she is, and why she is;
A daughter seeking a better relationship with her father;
A woman with suppressed emotions in need of healing.
A woman who won't let her past dictate her future;
A Woman with Some Love, Some Pain, Sometime
Some one old, someone young,
Some black, some white, and every shade in-between.

The dishes aren't always done, the toilet needs cleanin', and my house is a mess, but I blog.

I am these women, that woman. I have creative tendencies, and this is my outlet.

It's not for the fortune, although I wouldn't mind the extra income.
It's not for the fame, though I want my voice heard.
It is for me, for these women, that woman, who struggle yet move forward by God's grace, lacking answers but forever discovering.

I push through melodic chaos for you, me, her, all those quiet storms whose volcano is about to erupt.

You are worth it. I am am worth it. Our children are worth it. Our spouses are worth it. Our hair is worth it.  Embrace who you are right now, so that you can move forward to a dynamic future.  Know that you are in this situation for a purpose, for a season, and like my favorite Disney character Dory from Finding Nemo says, " Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming," cause' you will get where you need to be.

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks


  1. I needed to read that post right now. This is so moving and inspiring! Thanks for stopping by my blog ! Looking forward to reading your blog and connecting!

  2. This is so beautiful. A reminder we are more than moms but women who need self-love and self-care. I see my life in this line, "The dishes aren't always done, the toilet needs cleanin', and my house is a mess, but I blog."

    Thank you!

    Following from MBC. Please stop by and say hello.
