Saturday, August 21, 2010

Great Commission

Great Commission

(After reading Betty Millers, God’s Wisdom for Daily Living; Day 232)

The bible says over and over again that it is not good to fellowship with the ungodly. In Proverbs 23:6-8, it talks about the man with the, “evil eye” and is Psalm 1:1 it says that we will be blessed if we do not seek to dwell with the ungodly. Okay so I am not saying cut off everybody who is an unbeliever forever, however often when God is trying to do something within you, you must break away from those things and those people that are not seeking God because you just are not ready. The old wives tales says, “If the fire is hot then don’t touch it,” well we are in a similar situation hear. Why tempt yourself with those things that are not like God (we should seek to be like HIM daily, and be in his perfect will) when God is doing something in you.

Now after His work is through ( but realize God is continuously working on us throughout our walk with Him) He has done what He wanted to do with you in this time and season, we must ask ourselves what His will is. His will is that we worship Him with our whole life, doing His work, not our own, “The Great Commission.” In the times that we do fellowship (hang out with) those that are ungodly, in His timing we should do it with a purpose, His Purpose, His perfect will for our lives by teaching others through our lifestyle of His commands.

Our purpose is, and should always be lined up to God’s Purpose for our lives which is written in His Word. Our whole life is meant to be living worship in total admiration to Him; to do His will is to follow His commands. He has commissioned us to make disciples, first in our home, then to those friends around us, then to the world around us. We should wear the badge of Jesus proudly, His blood stained cross across the body that He has created. (Not literally but spiritually, however our outward appearance should bring glory to Him. I will talk about that further in a later blog.)

God commanded many things in following Him. In all things that we do we should ask ourselves the questions, “Am I worshipping God with my life? Am I doing His will? Am I living my life for the purpose of the Great Commission?”

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks
All rights reserved Najeema Iman © 2010

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