April is Frog Month!
This is month is easy to be green!
There are 3900 species of Amphibia Anura/Salientia,
tailless reptiles, commonly known as the frog. While the origin of
Frog Month seems to be unknown, it is easy to deduce that this month is
dedicated to frog education.
Kids want a reptile? Looking to expand your exotic culinary prowess?Just love Zoological exploration?
of these are great ways to celebrate Frog Month! But the Amphibian
conservation organization Save the Frogs!, and creator of an occasion
that takes place on the last Saturday of April, makes the best case for
Frog Month:
“Up to 200 species have completely disappeared since 1979. Frogs and other amphibians face an array of threats from climate change to habitat destruction; pesticide use; over-collection for frog legs and dissections; invasive species; and infectious diseases
spread by human activity. Frogs eat mosquitoes; provide us with medical
advances; serve as food for birds, fish and monkeys; and their tadpoles
filter our drinking water. Plus frogs look and sound cool, and kids
love them”
this month, as we embrace being ecoconcious and earth friendly,
celebrate one of the most important members of our ecosystems, the Frog.
Read Up!
http://www.savethefrogs.com/ Crys W is the Chief Ambassador of Occasions for H_Daily Social Media Calendar. She is a a dog loving Detroiter who strongly dislikes haters and bah-humbugs. Celebrate everyday with H_is for Holidays....
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