So I will be putting together my first vendor table to display my handmade accessories next month. I am so excited.
I absolutely love the preparation process for events, especially when it comes to display tables. My budget isn't that large so I see quite a few DIY projects and thrifting in my future. The first part of my to do list is to find the most frugal way to display the earrings. Earring stands range from as low as $12 to as much as $60 per stand. I could easily buy one, but why purchase what you can make or re-purpose yourself. As usual I turned to the internet for inspiration and found some great low cost ideas for display earrings. Here are some of my favorites-
I guess a couple of trips to the crafts store or local thrift store are in order for this weekend.
For more frugal ideas for updating your home Follow my
"Frugal Home Board" On Pintrest.
Peace and Love,
Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks