Monday, February 7, 2011

Journey Through Grief: I made through 4 years

Time flies rather your having fun or just taking it one day at a time.  For the first time since my grandmother died I didn't even realize that it was the anniversary of her death until days later and no one told.  No, I haven't forgotten her, she will always be apart of my life, but I am definitely on the road to healing. 

It is easy to create a Godlike image of those who have died around us, as if they have done nothing wrong in their lifetime.  This is not the best way to go about dealing with death, before you know it you have create a shrine around you.  The shrine may not consist of golden carved images or the burning of incense, but while mourning it is easy to hold to many things that are connected to the person that you lost, which can even lead to hoarding. I can not lie sometimes I smell my grandma's perfume and it seems like she's there, and I held on to her bottle of Bijan, wear it every now and then, but some things I just had to let go. 

I have come to the realization that if you hold on to everything that this person ever touched or owned, you are not letting the dead bury the dead as it says in instructs in Matthew 8:22 and Luke 9:60.  Hold on to some things, keep the few things, cherish the memories. But don't forget to let go of the hurt so that you can get your healing.

My journey through grief isn't done yet. Honestly I don't know if I will ever completely understand this process, but I do know that this first step in forgetting death remembering life is awesome.

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks
"I believe in Kingdom blogging."

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