Friday, April 29, 2011

Positivi-D: EVENT-Naturally Flyy Hair Detroit Meet-Up #5

It's that time again. Time for all the Naturalista's to put on there best Divatude....

Naturally Flyy Detroit Presents
Naturally Flyy Detroit Hair Meet Up #5

I am preparing for the new addition to my family so I don't think that I am going to be able to make it, but I am telling you, you are in for a great time.

Here's a  few video's from the last meet up....

Find out more at

Peace and Love,
Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award:I AM Curly Locks

I would like to thank Lioness Rebirth and Productjunkiemama for awarding me the Versatile Blogger award.  It is my first award ever as a blogger and I am really excited.  I guess that my post on hair, motherhood, grief, and Detroit are reaching someone out there.

There are rules attached to this award so here they are,
  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post. 
  • Tell us seven things about yourself 
  • Award fifteen recently discovered new bloggers 
  • Contact these bloggers and let them know they’ve received their award  
So here my seven
  1. August 13, 2011 is my  blogaversary, and I can't wait. It is almost a year already, and I have come a long way from my ranting.  
  2. My first two post School of Sleepless Nights and Braggin' Rights came at a time when I was struggling in motherhood.  Since then I learned that motherhood is a learning process and not all days are filled with giggles and smiles, some are filled with tears and tantrums, but you can and will overcome.  
  3. I am an expectant mother of one.
  4. My  husband has and still is a huge encouragement to me, when it comes to blogging.  When I am having a bad day, struggling with grief, or find out about the latest happenings, he is always telling me to blog about it.  
  5. God is truly at the center of everything that I put on my blog, I started because I am a woman on the road to the rediscovery of me with guidence of Christ. 
  6. I love my hair.  It truly is a learning process, that extends far beyond my natural roots.
  7. I blog because I have to.
Now that I've said my spill, it's time to pass it on.  The Versitile Blogger Award goes to....
  1. Musing of a (Recovering) Strong Black Woman
  2. Beauty and the Green
  3. Meechy Monroe
  4. Far Above Rubies
  5. The Happening of An Absent Mind
  6. The Amateur Mommy
  7. From the Mudroom
  8. A Holy Experience
  9. Sonia's Blog
  10. Fire Butterfly Jewels
  11. Mama Locs 
  12. Mommy's Corner
  13. Quintessential Housewife
  14. The Girl from the Ghetto
  15. The Dare Diva
To all of my award winners please pass the award along.

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Monday, April 25, 2011

Skit Guys - Grace

Once again my husband came across a great video on Youtube, this one is on GRACE, check it out....

Book Review: "What is Easter?" by Michelle Medlock Adams

Photo from
Pastels, petticoats, patent leather shoes, bunnies n' bow's, and don't forget about the jelly beans; in a commercialized western society it is easy to loose focus of what Easter is all about.  Among the markers, behind the Play-Doh and plush toys in my daughters Easter basket was a book that posed a simple question, "What is Easter?"  I guess the Easter bunny had a few things to clarify.

Easter isn't all about the candy, eggs, and the infamous bunny, although I love Starburst jellybeans, it is about a Man who was born to die for the redemption our sins, who endured great pain and humiliation while nailed to a cross and given a crown of thorns.  Yes there is death, but there is life in the resurrection and trying to explain this to a one year old poses a challenge. So, I gave a hint to the Easter bunny. I told him that I wanted Elise to start learning the story of Christ at an early age,  but I would like it done in a fun and functional way.  Mr. Bunny really came through.

"What is Easter?," by Michelle Medlock Adams, is a wonderful illustrated children's book told by a child who simply wants to know what Easter is all about.  It starts playfully, "The little bunny hops, hops, hops. Is this what Easter means? Is it about the Easter eggs, all filled with jellybeans?"  The book continues with the same  pattern of questioning,  inquiring about chocolate bunnies, baby chicks, toys, a brand new dress, shiny shoes, high notes in the choir stand, parades. etc.   It describes the events of the cross, and why God sent His Son, without the gory details.  The book concludes at the heart of the matter, with a child's understanding of Easter, " Okay, now I get it. The Easter Bunny is okay, and Easter eggs are fun. But Easter's not about that stuff, it's all about God's Son."

This was definitely a great find by, "Mr. Bunny," I am pretty sure he found it at Meijer.  It is a great book for family sharing about Easter, and I would recommend it specifically for children between 1-5 years.  It encourages reading and reinforces Christian principles in a delightful way. Thumbs up Michelle Medlock Adams for creating a wonderful addition to our family library.

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pastor Terry Jones protest by burning Koran in Dearborn, Michigan Today

Photo from
Pastor Terry Jones has gained a lot of attention over the past few months, first when he planned on burning the Koran on the anniversary of 9-11 last September, now yet again planning on burning the Koran in Dearborn today.  I am all for freedom of speech, but when it can potentially bring harm to others, and cause more division, I feel that this is neither American or displaying the love of Christ.

 This is a hot button issue, I have seen and heard it everywhere today including a dialogue on one of my friends facebook pages. Below is a copy of the dialogue and the names and faces are blurred in consideration of others.

There were multiple responses to this status post, some comical, many religious, and much more.

The conversation stopped there and as you see I had to put my two cents in. This has a direct effect on me, being that I have several family member in the area, live near the capital, and am  a Christian myself.  Personally I believe that he is misguided, therefore I am praying for Him. In this time where, Christians are suppose to be focusing on what Christ did, our image, yet again is being marred by a Christian radical who is not having any consideration for others.

To my muslim friends out there, we may not share the same faith, but I love you all. Christianity teaches that love conquers all things.  His actions do not reflect my feelings as a Christian towards my muslim brothers and sisters.

Praying for Compassion, Peace, and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Its all over the news here's a link from FOX you may want to check out....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Positivi-D: David Michael local designer and hip hop artist

There are so many people doing great things in Detroit; showing that Detroit is more than a wasteland filled with dilapidated buildings and liquor stores. They are making marks in fashion, music, philanthropy, and so much more. It is impossible for me to highlight all of them, but I have to tell it like I see it, when I see it.

Photo courtesy of Trulyblessed photography
I met David Michael a couple a months ago after he ministered at an outdoor concert I attended.  I don't know if it was the encouraging lyrics or the tight hoodie he was sporting, but I knew that I needed to meet him.  David Michael is a native Detroiter making major moves.  He has his hands in a little bit of everything owning a Christian based clothing line, David Michael Clothing Co. and being one of Detroit's hottest Christian Rappers.  

David's story is that of redemption.  As a teen growing up in inner city Detroit, he was negatively influence by his surroundings, and was on his way to being just another statistic.  At twenty he found himself, incarcerated, angry, broken, hopeless, and disconnected. 

David Michael grew up in a broken home, witnessing countless fights between his parents and experiencing both physical and verbal abuse. Reflecting on his childhood David Michael said, "They would get into physical siblings were always angry because of that and they always took it out on me.  They divorced when I was seven and my dad got custody of us. We got to see her every other weekend when he would let us." Even though he lived with his father, they never really had a relationship. “He was always working, and when he was home, he was physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive,” David recalls.  His father never visited him during his multiple stays in juvy', and when his mother eventually got custody, he dropped out of school and bounced from house to house, and slept where he could. Needless to say David has not spoken to his father in over ten years.

Before being saved David states that, he was, "broken, hateful, hurt... [and] had a huge anger problem [that] enticed fights."  Most of David's early years were spent behind bars. He was incarcerated for the first time at eleven and at twenty found himself facing charges for attempted murder and assault, but it was at this moment that God stepped in with his redemptive powers.  David should have received 5 to 25 year sentence, but his sentence was reduced and he found a faith in God that stands strong. Like David of the bible, he was flawed, but God washed it all away. From the day the doors of the jail house closed David was destined to become a representative for Christ. 
Photo courtesy of David Michael
David not only reps Christ through his music, but he literally wears Him.  When I asked David where the inspiration for his clothing line came from he stated that, “I had been obedient to the Holy Spirit…literally clean out my closet of all the clothing that represented lawlessness…So I'm standing there…looking at a half empty closet and I say out loud ‘what am I supposed to wear God?’ and He spoke deep into my Spirit [and said] ‘Wear me boy’ it was so clear, but not audible? So…I began to buy White-Ts and took paint and started creating these shirts that had all my favorite scriptures on them, [what I was] reading…[what] was pricking my heart.  I wanted to wear the Word because I understood the Power [of] it… He is His Word, so essentially, I'm literally wearing Him!”

David is an excellent role model for the youth of Detroit and hopes that the young people of Detroit will come to know God for themselves.  To those broken adolescents in Detroit he says, “…I found myself in a cell guilty of a crime knowing I should never get out. Yet when I cried out for answers just wanting to know if He was really real and this Jesus I heard about, He met me right there in that cell. If you’re ever looking for answers....He will meet you too. I promise.” 

In future David hopes to become an integral part of the social and spiritual growth of Detroit. “There [are] not enough people seeking people here.”  He has several projects in the works and the recently released the album WASH, available for a free download, CLICK HERE. He is anticipating the Fall 2011 release of, "The Underground Pt. 2," the second installment of his debut album, "The Underground."(2010) He will also be touring throughout most of this year, and will be opening up for such artist as Grammy Nominated LeCrae and KJ52 this May.

To find out more information about David Michael and future events,

Visit the his official website at
Become a fan on facebook at
Follow him on twitter at

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

All Rights Reserved  Najeema Iman of I AM Curly Locks Blog

To my fellow Detroiters:  Do you know any people making moves in Detroit and think they should be highlighted on my blog contact me via email at

To Purchase David Michael's CD CLICK HERE

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Positvi-D: The Impact of Prayer, Event follow up for EACH Prayer Walk April 16, 2010

To View Detroit Free Press Album of Walk Click Here
How great is our God that, over 500 hundred churches, 10,000+ people of all denominations and all creeds got together for the purpose of covering Detroit with prayer. I am only a spectator because I had family things to handle yesterday, but people can't stop talking about it. From the Detroit News to the Deseret News in Utah, people are realizing the power of prayer. I won't go into all the details of everything that happened yesterday, due to time constraints right now. However, there are plenty of links all over the web, and if you would like to learn more about the EACH Movement visit or view any of the links below.

Greater things are yet to come, but good things are already happening, don't sleep on Detroit. This is only the beginning of what EACH(Everyone A Chance to Hear) has to offer the city of Detroit.  I am sure that I will be sharing more information in the future so stay tuned to future post on the EACH Campaign, take a picture and let me know if you see a billboard near you.

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks 

More press coverage of the EACH Prayer Walk....

Detroit Free Press: Christian walk downtown proclaims Jesus is the Hope of Detroit
The Detroit News: Detroit Prayer Walk draws at least 20,000 people
Fox Detroit: Thousands Gather for Comerica Park Prayer Walk EACH Detroit Prayer Walk Expect a Ressurection Eyewitness Account - Thousands flood Detroit in EACH Prayer Walk
Deseret News: Prayer Walk draws more than 10000 people 
WXYZ:Have you seen those one-word billboards around town? They're part of a huge multi-church campaign! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Positvi-D: EACH Youth Rally Speaker

I am so proud to say that this young lady is a member of my church.  Great things are coming out of Detroit, this video is just one of the many things going on in the EACH campaign.

EACH Youth Rally Speaker from E.A.C.H. on Vimeo.

For more information about the EACH Campaign follow the link below...


To all my Detroiter's don't forget to come to the Each Prayer Walk on April 16, 2011 @ Comerica Park.
For more information view the post  Positivi-D: EVENT: EACH Prayer Walk
Peace and Love, 
Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Positivi-D: EACH Prayer Walk April 16, 2011

I am so proud that I am a member of a church that is apart of this great movement. I meant to post this a while ago, but there are so many great things going on in Detroit, plus my pregnancy brain that I just forgot.

EACH Prayer Walk – April 16th

Date: Saturday, April 16th

Time: Arrive 8:00am

Location: Comerica Park, Parking Lot

Our prayer is that thousands will join together, Saturday, April 16, as one body, to humbly seek God’s face to prepare us and our communities as we follow Him in reaching people with His Good News and sharing His love through our service beginning Easter Sunday, April 24th.
  • 8:00 a.m. – People will begin to gather for a time of fellowship.
  • 9:00 – We will seek God to prepare our hearts.
  • 9:45 – Prayer walk begins. Rain or shine. We will walk from Comercia Park down Woodward to the Spirit of Detroit and back. Total distance 1.6 miles.
Comerica Park gates will open at 8am and provide:
  • Both men’s and women’s bathroom facilities
  • Limited concessions: hot chocolate, coffee, water and pop.
Music will be performed by worship bands from many of our different churches with a special appearance by “Selected of God” choir – you may recognize them from the Chrysler commercial.

This is a free event. $5 parking is available at ALL Illitch owned parking lots. Please consider carpooling. Click Here for a map showing specific parking areas!

Handicap parking is suggested in the Tigers Parking Deck on Montcalm along the north side of Comerica Park (this is the closest parking available)

All buses and vans are asked to park on the I-75 service drive between Woodward Avenue and Brush St.
Volunteer parking will be accommodated in the Fox Parking Garage from midnight to 7 a.m. for FREE.
Bicyclists are welcome to attend and a special lot will be available. All bikes can be parked in the fenced-in “Media Compound Lot” on Montcalm, across from the media entrance to Comerica Park.

I hope to see all of my fellow Detroiters out there.

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

For more information about EACH CLICK HERE

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Coming Soon

Update: Due to a very busy weekend I am still working on my product review for Carol's Daughter Best Tressed Hair Set, hopefully posting by Friday April 22, 2011. Sorry for any inconvenience. To view the post on David Michael CLICK HERE

There are so many things in the works right now it is ridiculous.  Giveaways, Product Reviews, Artist Highlights, and so much more.

I am currently finishing book review for   Thank God I'm Natural--The Ultimate Guide to Caring for and Maintaining Natural Hair by Chris-Tia Donaldson.

Posting Friday April 15th a product review, of the Carols Daughter Best Tressed Set.

Posting Tuesday April 19th a Postivi-D, post on the Detroit Holy Hip Hopper and Designer David Micheal.

I am also working on a review of co-washing conditioners, baby care products, and a few creative insights, so stay tuned.

Peace and Love,
Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Positivi-D: EVENT-Good Friday Service @ My Father's House Church

If you haven't found anywhere to fellowship with on GOOD FRIDAY, My Father's House is a great option in the Taylor, Michigan area.

Peace and Love,
Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Monday, April 11, 2011

I blog

It's been about nine months since I started blogging. So often I get so obsessed with whats going on in the blogging community, that I forget the reason that I started to blog in the first place.

I blog because I have to,
There's a woman seeking God's purpose for her life;
A stay at home mom who gets bored, overwhelmed, feels overworked and tired, and wants to throw in the towel;
A budding naturalista, recovering perm addict, and big chop victim who is trying to figure out her hair chemistry, uncovering her hair-story;
A woman rediscovering who she is, and why she is;
A daughter seeking a better relationship with her father;
A woman with suppressed emotions in need of healing.
A woman who won't let her past dictate her future;
A Woman with Some Love, Some Pain, Sometime
Some one old, someone young,
Some black, some white, and every shade in-between.

The dishes aren't always done, the toilet needs cleanin', and my house is a mess, but I blog.

I am these women, that woman. I have creative tendencies, and this is my outlet.

It's not for the fortune, although I wouldn't mind the extra income.
It's not for the fame, though I want my voice heard.
It is for me, for these women, that woman, who struggle yet move forward by God's grace, lacking answers but forever discovering.

I push through melodic chaos for you, me, her, all those quiet storms whose volcano is about to erupt.

You are worth it. I am am worth it. Our children are worth it. Our spouses are worth it. Our hair is worth it.  Embrace who you are right now, so that you can move forward to a dynamic future.  Know that you are in this situation for a purpose, for a season, and like my favorite Disney character Dory from Finding Nemo says, " Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming," cause' you will get where you need to be.

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Positvi-D: EVENT: LeCrae @ Word of Faith International Ministries in Saginaw, MI

Okay so it's not in the Metropolitan Detroit Area, but it is a great event and Free. If you are in the Saginaw area or feel like traveling, Grammy Nominated holy-hip hopper LeCrae will be at Word of Faith International Ministries May 27, 2011. See promotion above for more details.

To visit the Facebook Event Page CLICK HERE

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Friday, April 8, 2011

A week of rest and forgiveness

Okay so I know that I haven't posted anything new in a long time, but I have been a little overwhelmed lately. I am trying to get the house ready for the new baby, and have been completely pooped.  God has been doing some awesome things since Elise has been able to go back to school a couple of days in the week, it has given me time to get a lot of the rest I needed and work on something that I have struggled with for a long time, forgiveness.  Even though God forgives me on a continuous basis, I find it hard often to forgive those who have judged me incorrectly, cursed my name, or hurt me in anyway in the past; but it is time to "Let go and let God," as my mother so often says.  I can not let people have control over my life as I walk in unforgiveness, so to anyone who has hurt me conciously or unconciously I forgive you.

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Note: I am so backed up on post but I will be working on them this weekend as much as possible. Hang in there with me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Book Review: What's SPECIAL About Me, Mama? by Kristina Evans

What's Special About Me, Mama?My one year old and I went on our first library adventure last week.  I didn't really know what to expect since she is one, but I was pleasantly surprised to see hand toys, a puppet station, puzzles, and so much more.  The library is definitely a place that we will frequent.

Even though our local library is pretty small, they did have a decent collection of books, something for the teens, tweens, toddlers, and everything in-between.  When picking a good book for my toddler I look for diversity, color, imagination, education and a good storyline.  Not all books that I buy for her possess all these qualities, but they sure come close.  Our family is mixed our shades range from the deepest darkest chocolaty silky smooth brown to pale yellow and peaches, we are blending, so I love books with color blends.

I was so happy to find, "What's Special About Me Mama?" by Kristina Evans.   This book was recently published by Disney February 22, 2011. It doesn't have a  lot of words, but it has the right words as a young boy asks his mother what makes him special.  He learns from his mother that everything about him is special, from the inside out. His hugs, his kisses, his lips, his cheeks, they all make him wonderfully unique. 

Of course there are plenty of books on diversity, but I like the fact that two people within the same family, yet with different skin complexions show love for one another.  I will definitely be buying this book in the future for my household, and it is a good buy for children of all colors and creeds. 

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blogsphere: Rhonda J. Smith featured in "Daily Guideposts: Your First Year of Motherhood"

Daily Guideposts: Your First Year of MotherhoodOne of my favorite bloggers, Rhonda J. Smith of Musing of a [Recovering] Strong Black Woman is being featured in a new book released April 1, 2011, Daily Guidepost: Your First Year of Motherhood.  Mrs. Smith is one of twenty one writers in this book that includes 366 devotionals to help mom's deal with the daily woes that family life can bring.  There is also a special section that talks about postpartum depression, lonliness, and maintaining a healthy marriage.

I haven't had the opportunity to purchase my copy yet, but I will definitely be hitting up Amazon sometime this week. But here's a message from Mrs. Smith,

"...I believe this is a must-have for new moms, and the universal themes in the devotionals benefit experienced moms and even those without children. So, please support this effort. Buy a book for you and someone you know. Tell others about it. It'll make a good baby shower or Mother's Day gift. Like the first weekend for new movies, the first few weeks for book sales are critical. So if you can, pick up the book within the next two weeks."

There you have it, a great buy for moms, moms-to-be, aunties, grandma's and all the ladies in between just in time for Mother's Day.

Peace and Love,

Najeema Iman I AM Curly Locks